What Kinds of Dental Problems Can Invisalign Be Used to Treat?

Invisalign is an effective game-changer in the field of orthodontics. It applies to millions of people around the U.S. and the world. One of the most revolutionary and appealing aspects of this treatment is better aesthetics. But before you get this type of orthodontic treatment, you need to consider its pros and cons. This will help you make a more informed decision.


For some types of orthodontic problems, traditional braces could be more suitable and effective. This is the reason personalized, expert advice from a qualified orthodontist is so important. Essentially, Invisalign can treat many issues but not all, depending on the severity, or a combination, of problems.


Is Invisalign Treatment Right for You?


For most people, the answer to this question is yes. Invisalign is a form of orthodontic treatment meant to achieve a more appealing smile. It is ideal for people with mild to moderate teeth misalignment. It can also benefit people looking to align their bite, such as those with an underbite, crossbite, or overbite.


How It Works


The orthodontic treatment involves the use of clear plastic aligner trays to slowly move your teeth to their proper alignment. Using a specialized scanner, your orthodontist will take a quick and precise scan of your mouth. They will then map a customized treatment plan for you. This will ensure that your aligner trays fit well and feel comfortable in your mouth.


All you need to do is wear your aligner trays for at least 20 hours a day. Unlike traditional braces, these aligners are easily removable. Thus, you can remove them before brushing and flossing your teeth, resulting in better oral health and wellness.




Depending on the complexity of your orthodontic problem, you can achieve your desired results in as little as six months. However, you can even notice positive results within a few weeks.


What Dental Problems Can Invisalign Treat?


Your orthodontist will replace your aligner trays every two weeks or so with a new set that fits better than the previous ones. Over time, your teeth will gradually move into their proper positions. Some of the orthodontic issues that this form of treatment can address include:


Misaligned Teeth


Misaligned teeth can affect the appearance of your smile. Everyone wants a beautiful smile. In addition to affecting the look of your smile, misaligned teeth can also create difficulties in chewing and eating.


Fortunately, this type of orthodontic treatment specifically aims to treat this type of dental issue. It puts pressure on any teeth that erupt on the outer side of your jaw and reposition them into their proper place on your jawline.


Crowded and Crooked Teeth


Invisalign can also treat crowded and crooked teeth in both kids and adults. Though this is not a serious dental problem, crooked or crowded teeth can negatively impact your life and lifestyle. They can also make you feel embarrassed and less confident in front of other people.


Underbite and Overbite


An underbite is an orthodontic condition in which your lower front teeth overlap your upper front teeth. The opposite applies to an overbite. Invisalign is an effective treatment for both problems and can treat them within a few months.


Open Bite


An open bite is a dental issue in which the lower and upper teeth do not meet each other when one closes one’s mouth. This problem can create a bite problem. Invisalign can treat this problem by pushing back your teeth into their right place.


To learn more about Invisalign, contact Align Dental at our office in Boston, Massachusetts. You can call (617) 340-5300 today to schedule an appointment.

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