Who Qualifies for Invisalign®?

Most people would agree that having bad teeth can be a real liability. There is a good reason people are constantly looking for ways to enhance the appearance of their teeth. Your smile can say a lot about you, and about your oral health.


If you look like you have neglected your oral health, people will notice. Some people are blessed with a beautiful natural smile, but for others, some help is necessary. If you have crooked or misaligned teeth, braces or aligners can help.


Getting Invisalign Aligners


A great smile will help you make a good first impression. Fortunately, achieving a great smile is possible thanks to Invisalign® aligners. The aligners can fix the imperfections in your smile. They are effective for fixing overlaps, gaps, and other issues. 


Invisalign aligners have many advantages over traditional metal braces. The fact that they are almost invisible means you do not have to worry about your appearance. If walking around with a mouth full of metal has been putting you off braces, clear aligners will help. 


Benefits of Invisalign


Invisalign aligners are made from clear plastic material, making them virtually invisible. You do not have to worry about smiling when fixing your teeth. Another benefit of the aligners is that they are removable. You take them off when you eat, meaning that you can eat anything that you want. 


You do not have to worry about food getting stuck in the brackets. You also remove the aligners when you need to clean your teeth. Unlike with metal braces, you do not have to worry about sharp edges prodding and poking your sensitive mouthparts.


Effective Teeth Alignment

Invisalign aligners are more comfortable than their metal counterparts, and yet they produce similar results. The aligners are custom-made to fit the patient, making them comfortable to wear for hours. The fitting technique makes Invisalign suitable for people of all ages. 


As long as they are worn correctly for the specified amount of time, the aligners are very effective for teeth straightening. Invisalign is perfect for those who want straight teeth without the hassle or pain associated with braces. Straight teeth can result in healthier gums and ultimately in improved overall health.


Who Qualifies for Invisalign?


Invisalign can be used to solve a number of dental issues. Orthodontists recommend the aligners to correct several dental problems. These include overbites, underbites, gaps, crowded or overlapping teeth, open bite, and crossbite. Anyone with any of these dental conditions qualifies for Invisalign treatment. Teeth imperfections that are usually treated using steel braces can be corrected using Invisalign.  


Who Should Not Wear Invisalign?


While it is true that most people can wear Invisalign, some are not good candidates for this treatment. Smokers who are unwilling or unable to give up the habit are not good candidates for Invisalign. Smoking stains the aligners, making them look discolored and unattractive. 


The treatment is not suitable for anyone who is not motivated enough to wear the aligners for the recommended time. The aligners should be worn for 20 to 22 hours a day. Failing to follow instructions and keeping the aligners off for long will affect the straightening process. 


For more information on Invisalign, visit Align Dental at our office in Boston, Massachusetts. You can call (617) 340-5300 today to schedule an appointment.

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